Thursday 5 June 2014

Saying goodbye to May

Hi all!

Long time no see eh? For real this time! :-p

May was quite challenging and tiring for both Eirini and I; we lacked the time and energy to do anything even remotely creative for the most part of it.

Still, it ended on the best note possible. A week ago I caught a train to Thessaloniki and we got to spend a few days together, work on our projects, and recharge our batteries.

We spent most of last Thursday afternoon catching up (because skype, emails, texts and g-talk are all fine, but nothing beats talking face to face) and pretty soon we were settled into the mode we assume when we hang out together -that of two overly excited five-year olds. :-p

Now, if you are imagining us all cooped up in Eirini’s bedroom, sitting amongst a sea of papers, sketchbooks, books and so on (hey now, that’s a great idea for a drawing, no? Just sayin’…) and working, then I am sorry to break it to you, but this wasn’t the case this time around.

We were outside for a rather large part of my stay in Thessaloniki; we got rained on, nearly caught a cold from going to watch a two and a half hour film to an open air cinema, and got sun burnt on the day that followed, because we thought it’d be a great idea to go for a walk while the sun was high in the sky.

...look how clear the light was...

...seas of gold...

Sun burn aside though, it was lovely; Eirini got to practice sketching trees and I got to shoot some photos, it was sunny and we were by the sea; what more would you ask for? Of course we are complete idiots and didn’t even think of asking someone to take a photo of the two of us together, but still! :-p

Here's proof that Eirini was indeed practicing :-p

...and a little detail too...

...and two summer-y shots to make people jealous :-p

These past few days, we laughed quite a lot and talked a whole lot more, covering all topics imaginable. Of course the largest part of our conversations was dedicated to our projects (yes, projects, as in more than one!); we did some researching (and some planning too) for the things we want to do next, but for the most part we talked about the “Eros and Psyche” project.

We feel there’s still room for improvement, since we have grown artistically –both individually and as a team. So as of last weekend, we are re-editing our story –both the text and the illustrations that go along with it. We are very excited about it (yay!), so stay tuned!

See you all soon!

PS: We are well aware that we haven’t posted our story/illustration about Daphnis and Chloe yet, but it’s coming, promise!

...and clearly, a duck drinking water from a cheese container is the perfect ending for a blog post! 

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