Sunday 6 April 2014

Comicdom Con Athens 2014

Hi all!

Long time no see, eh?

Last Wednesday, we asked our friend Katerina to write a guest entry for the blog and she gladly accepted; you’ve read her stuff, isn’t she awesome? (by the way Katerina, thanks for that!)

Before you jump to any conclusions (no, we were not bored or uninspired either), there’s a pretty good reason for that, so here goes!

Eirini was visiting Athens (yay for that!) from the 3rd to the 6th, so there wasn’t enough time for a proper entry. Of course she didn’t just come to see me, but she flew all the way to Athens so we could go to Comicdom Con Athens, a three-day comics festival, together.

Ever since last year’s Con, we’d been thinking about participating in the fanzine section, but in the end there wasn’t enough time to properly prepare something, so Eirini simply participated with a sketchbook, which included some stuff from the projects we are working on together ; naturally I was there too (obviously!), providing good vibes and moral support. :-p

We had to miss day three of the Con (we visited, but that’s about it), because we didn't have any sketchbooks left, since we were sold out by Saturday night. (we are not bragging, we are just stating a fact; we should have printed more). Still, even if we did miss day three, it was a fun, interesting, exciting and overall amazing experience!

Eirini got to show off her work, we got to meet many interesting, fun, creative and talented people, make some new friends and talk a lot (like really a lot! :-p ) about our projects too! Not to mention that the place was brimming with positive energy, which, simply put, was awesome! Fun times!

Comicdom Con Athens 2014
Here's the display...
...and here's us; can you spot the writer? :-p
Here's us again, along with the people from the neighbouring tables.
...neighborouring tables again...
The signing... (sooo serious :-p )
...and the result! (one of many)
...and lastly, Tom and Athi, two of the first (lovely and talented) people we've got to meet. 

Thanks for the memories; see you next year everyone!


  1. Hey guys! This is Nikolas, one of the last 2-3 to get a sketchbook. I wish I could have made it back to have it signed by Ειρήνη but my gang had to leave. Me and my gf really love the art style and when you guys get your kickstarter, err... started we'd love to contribute.
    I haven't read Μυρτώ's script yet but I will soon. Would you like any feedback or do you prefer to keep things self edited? Because I do know it helped me when we got together with other writers in Newcastle (I did a Creative Writing Masters there) since it was always harder to see the flaws in my own writing.
    Great job! Keep working on it!

    1. Hey Nikolas! I remember you! But then again, we talked about writing, so remembering you makes sense! :-)

      Shame you couldn't make it back to have your sketchbook signed by Eirini. There's always next year though; bring it back with you and she will sign it then!

      We are very glad you find out project interesting and we really appreciate your kind words and support!

      PS I'd love to hear your opinion on my writing, so e-mail me and we'll talk more.

  2. Heeey where is my sketch !!!? :D Awesome work and was great meeting you !

    1. Ιf you had asked for a sketch, Eirini would have definitely drawn you one; she's too nice to refuse! :-D

      And there's always next year; bring it back and she'll draw one for you then!

      Thank you!

  3. Bravo, Eirini! Bravo, Myrto for your support! This isn't the start, but it surely is one more prosperous step of your collaboration, your project, your friendship!
    I like it that you two decided to upload photos of your moments there!!! It is serious and official, but now it is OFFICIALLY irrevocable!!!

    1. Thank you very much Anna for your support!I hope we'll get to see you next year!
